Friday, August 15, 2008

Mokume Gane flower pendant

First of all let me say sorry for the bad pictues. This is NOT my thing. I took this photo outside in the bright, but still turned out dark. I NEED DIANA...she is an awesome photographer and if you are in need of someone who has great prices and takes really good and unique shots....check her out at . Anywho...back to the new thing I did today. I have created a line of flower pendants...I guess I should show those sometime... made using canes. Which is basically rolled up clay after making blends and bulls eyes and what not. I don't know all the proper names!! Well this flower is made using the mokume gane technique...I might even be spelling it wrong!! All I am trying to say is that is was a first for me! Was scary and fun all at the same time! Now all I need to do is sand and buff it and make a necklace!

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